Latest Past Events
Bilbao Quantum Computing Hackathon
INNOLAB Bilbao Calle Gordoniz 44 - 1ª planta, BilbaoQuantum computing is an emerging technology that has advanced rapidly in recent years and is showing positive results. Although it is in a research and development phase, companies are already beginning to experiment with this […]
INNOLAB Bilbao Calle Gordoniz 44 - 1ª planta, BilbaoBreaking Cloud by IBM es la evolución de Game of Bluemix de 2017. Año tras año IBM busca superarse y mejorar, teniendo en cuenta tu feedback y sobre todo añadiendo todas aquellas novedades que pueden ser […]
Open Banking Bilbao Conference
Torre Iberdrola Euskadi Plaza 5, BilbaoOpen Banking Bilbao is a conference that comes within the domain of Open Banking, Fintech and Cybersecurity. The banking sector is changing and there is an opportunity to lead the world of open innovation in the financial […]
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