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Watson IoT Platform. 1-Day introductory workshop
IBM Watson Internet of Things Platform is a fully managed, cloud-hosted service that makes it simple to derive value from Internet of Things (IoT) devices.
In this workshop you will have an opportunity to exercise the Watson IoT Platform end-to-end, using an actual physical device for IoT data capture, leveraging Edge Services, which will then be connected to the Watson IoT Platform, from which further real-time analysis will be applied on the collected data to derive higher-level insights.
This course is an introduction to developing and deploying solutions for the Internet of Things using the Watson IoT platform.
It focuses on capturing data from a physical device, applying Edge Analytics for raw data filtering, and forwarding meaningful data to IBM Cloud platform.
Once on the cloud, IoT data will be exploited by the Watson IoT services for dashboarding, rule-based alerting, and further data analytics leveraging the Watson Studio Analytics and AI platform.
You will explore all the steps required to create an IoT solution, using a popular physical device, the Raspberry Pi fitted with a SenseHat add-on board and attached to an Arduino-based sensor array.
You will then augment the IoT user experience with Watson Studio Analytics and Cognitive services.
You will discover that the value of Internet of Things can be found within the analysis of data gathered from the system under observation, where insights gained can have direct impact on business and operational transformation. Through analysis data correlation, patterns, trends, and other insight are discovered. Insight leads to better communication between stakeholders, or actionable insights, which can be used to raise alerts or send commands, back to IoT devices.
Event highlights
To complete this course, the following technologies will be used:
- Raspberry Pi with SenseHat device, basis of Python, Node-RED on the device
- IBM Cloud Platform
- Cloudant NoSQL database
- IBM Watson IoT Platform
- Embedded MQTT Message Broker,
- Dashboard,
- Rules and Actions,
- Edge Services,
- Gateway and Device Management
- Node-Red on the cloud (a tool for wiring together hardware devices, APIs and online services in new and interesting ways)
- Watson IoT Edge SDK (java-based toolkit for building IoT Edge component for devices.
- IBM Watson Studio Analytics and AI platform
- Ingest IoT data from Watson IoT Platform
- Perform real-time streaming operations on the IoT data
- Apply Machine Learning to anomaly detection
- Leverage AI with a cognitive ChatBot driven by Watson Studio Conversation
(These technologies are introduced in the workshop as necessary so no previous knowledge is required)
Please note that a valid IBM Cloud with Watson Studio and Watson IoT Trial account is required. Setup instructions will be sent prior to the workshop.
Agenda Overview
- Section1 – Watson IoT Platform Introduction
- IoT and Watson IoT Platform overview
- Hands-On Lab: Connecting your device to the Watson IoT Platform, device and gateway registration, cloud rules, simple dashboarding, data hostorization and storage
- Section2 – Building a Watson IoT user interface with Node-RED
- Node-RED Overview
- Hands-On Lab: Connecting Node-RED flows to IoT data, dashboarding, interacting with your device
- Section3 – Watson Studio data Analytics
- Overview of Watson Studio streaming capabilities, introduction to Machine Learning
- Hands-On Lab:Ingesting Watson IoT data and applying Machine Learning
- Section 4 – Cognitive IoT and AI
- Overview of Watson Cognitive Services, Conversation and Visual Recognition
- Hands-On Lab: Add an interactive ChatBot to discuss with your lamp, analyze images with Visual Recognition